I have always wanted to write a blog, but I figured I had nothing interesting enough to write about, until now. I decided to start a 101 in 1001 list.
The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part)
Starting today June 8th, 2009, my list should be completed March 5th, 2012.
I have just completed my 1st item: # 74 Start a Blog documenting this list! woop woop, now I have to move $5.00 into savings. (see # 54 move $5.00 to savings for every check off this list 1/101). ok, ok, here is My List
In the works
101 in 1001
1. Puerto Rico
2. Atlantic City
3. Road Trip
4. Visit Sil & Bil in VA.
5. Tour a Vineyard
6. Harry Potter Theme Park
7. Dutch Wonderland
8. Statue of Liberty
9. Empire State Building
10. New Jersey Aquarium
11. Holocaust Museum in DC with SB, J, & C
12. De-Clutter Office
13. Clean out under my bed
14. Clean out Kitchen Junk Drawers
15. Paint Den
16. Install Book Shelves
17. Order R's wall clings
18. New TV Stand
19. Purge R’s toys
20. Clean out Coat Closet
21. Spend Weekend Clean Sweep Style
22. Get R a New Dresser
23. Organize Photos on PC
25. Upload Pictures to Shutterfly
25. Back up photos to CD
26. Put boxed Photos in Albums
27. Complete Big Scrap Book
28. Complete R’s Baby Scrapbook
29. Work on a Scrap book with Caitlin
30. Print Wedding Photos
31. Frame favorite Wedding Photos
32. Upload new pics on Digital Frame
For my Head
33. Read 50 book in 1 year (29/50) Started 1/1/2009
34. Read 5 books a week to R (document)
35. Write 10 Haikus
36. Learn the 50 states in alphabetically & Recite
37. Learn 5 New vocabulary words
38. Go to the Scholastic Warehouse
39. Take a writing class
40. Enroll into College
41. Read a book S picks out
42. Write life story in 20 pages
For My Body
43. Purchase Elliptical
44. Do 50 crunches daily for a month straight
45. Take a Daily Vitamin
46. Pack Lunch for a week
47. Get a facial
48. Go to the Gym with SB
What’s Cookin’
49. Cook a meal on the Grill alone
50. Cook no less then 3x a week for a month
51. Bake a real batch of cookies
52. Make Pop-pop’s sauce
53. No fast food for a week
Dollar Dollar Bills Ya’ll
54. Move $5.00 to savings for every check off this list (0/101)
55. Move $500.00 of tax Refund to savings
56. Pay off Credit Cards (0/3)
57. Cash C’s bonds & put cash in a CD
58. Track every penny spent out of one paycheck
My Girls
59. Take mom-mom to Christmas Tree Shoppe
60. Plane a weekend Getaway with mom
61. Wine night with girlfriends
62. Visit Sister T’s house
63. Take C & R on a picnic
64. Take C to a Play
Shes Crafty
65. Gather kid’s baby clothes for quilt
66. Knit a scarf
67. Fix kitchen chairs
68. Update R’s baby book to current
69. Update C’s School Book to Current
70. Burn 3 CD’s for 3 people
71. Make 2 new play lists on I pod
Shits & Giggles
72. Go to a concert with Sil S
73. Convince 1 person to make a 101 in 1001
74. Start a Blog documenting this list
75. Share 101 in 1001 Blog with 5 people
76. Do a Blog radio show with Sister A
77. Score 75 or higher on Guitar on Rock band/Guitar Hero on HARD
78. Wear shorts out of the house (on the beach don’t count)
79. Take a bath
80. Complete a 1000 piece puzzle
81. Get a plant & keep it alive for a month
82. Get a bike & Ride it with my Girls
83. Don’t Cuss for a whole day
84. Send mom-mom flowers for the heck of it
85. See 5 movies at the theater with S (1/5)
86. Recycle System
87. Find out my Carbon Footprint
88. Update Passport
89. Go to Italian Fest
90. Spend an entire work day on just work related things
91. Go to a Pro Football game
92. Go horseback riding
93. Send Birthday/Anniversary cards to Friends & Family (0/10)
94. Take Photography Class
95. Purchase Harry Potter Book Set
96. Go to 3 yard sales
97. Don’t watch Twilight for 1 week
98. Watch Top Gun & Footloose
99. Write 10 Favorite life quotes for my girls
100. Add pics to blog
101. Tint car windows
Okay here I will help you: Recycle www.dswa.com $36.00 for 6 months. You will see your trash cut in half so you may not have to ay for the other p/up as much. you dont even have to sort, just throw in the big bin. And C will love u for it.
ReplyDeleteOkay I want to go to New Hope together.
oh yes and mom-mom D has been asking for your clothing squares for a quilt! OMG I cooked the other day on the grill by myself! But B. lit it for me does that count?
Yes we will go to Fla next year! Fo shooo!
Ooooh. I likey! You may just inspire me to do one too. What made you decide to do this?!